




















Brooklyn Exile


Red Sunday dawn slinks, like raw, slow drifting silk,

along the old row houses, still tentatively tingeing

Victorian brick facades, with the same morning, mellow gold,

of the last two centuries.


I watch the gulls fly minuets between rooftops,

where arrogant pigeons strut street-splendid, above late sleepers.

They await the absolute chime of church bells to raise them for mass.


This congregation of Poles and Mexicans, tongues mingled in

Babel-blessings, splash Holy water like cologne; yielding no misgivings

for lingering shadows of late night sin.


I relish the sound of hourly bells, thrumming to the bone,

reminding me I am still a part of somewhere,

despite this imposed exile, in the unfamiliar city of my birth;

where vagrant birds nest more tenaciously than I abide.