






















    A torn cross of crucified metal

    Like the twisted girders of a city seared with war

    Stands in silent serenity.

    There is no figure on it;

    The pain is not individual

    Nor is it long ago.


    Outside, with a trust that is undeserved,

    The ruins of the old reach out to touch the new;

    Forgiveness in stone,

    Raised by the hands of men

    Perhaps in the half knowledge

    That no longer can we say,

    "We know not what we do."


    Here man himself has risen again,

    Knowing and defying all the inhumanities

    That man inflicts on man.

    These stark walls testify to truth, to hope.

    Kneel not, pilgrim;

    Here one can worship standing up.

 Tefii, real name Daphne Percival, lives in a lovely old farm house with two dogs, three cats, three sheep and a multitude of creatures of the feathered persuasion.

Daphne teachers languages from her home either via the internet, post or in person with people staying at the house.

Somehow, perhaps she doesn't sleep or eat, she also finds time to paint and to write remarkable poetry.

Visit Daphne at   http://www.meirionnydd.force9.co.uk