








  Running on empty


















    He's running on empty.

    This man of four score years and ten,

    doesn't know where

    he doesn't know when

    the call will come

    to summon him home.


    At night he no long kneels to pray

    for the Lord to spare him

    one more day

    He doesn't care

    he sits with the others

    who sit in chairs

    and blankly he stares

    at the flickering window

    onto other peoples' worlds.


    The world he knew

    has drifted away

    consumed in the smoke

    of cigarettes and fires.

    And all the ones he loved

    are gone

    and there's nothing left

    but he lingers on

    suffering the half life

    of the unknowing dead.


    Nothing intrudes,

    nothing involves.

    All the care from the bleeding hearts

    is for others,

    for the dying children

    born of dying mothers

    and all the lives that are blown away

    and no one came to see him today.


    And no one cares

    that he once had a life

    two strong sons

    a daughter

    a wife.

    No one cares

    that his wife is dead

    that there's no loving hand

    to soothe his fears

    that no one comes to

    dry his tears.


    And it doesn't matter

    that he sleeps alone

    when he sleeps at all,

    that his mottled hands grip

    an icy sheet

    and he's lost all feeling

    in his frozen feet.

    And he's running on empty
