





















 Boring was first published on UKAuthors.com



    I never sleep naked

    I have no studs set in my nose,

    I don't wear peculiar make up

    or strange, outrageous clothes

    Perhaps that makes me boring

    Maybe it even shows.


    I have no dog called Beethoven

    or a cat called Tokyo Rose

    I don't fart in public

    nor do I paint my toes

    Do you think that makes me boring

    Do you think it shows


    I can't whistle through my anus

    or play the trumpet with my nose,

    I've no uncle called Matilda

    nor an Aunty known as Mose

    It's possible I'm boring

    and more than possibly it shows


    I know no cross dressers

    chaps who wear ladies underclothes

    The man I wound up with

    is the only one I chose

    I guess I'm really boring

    I guess it really shows.


    My poetry's mediocre

    no one raves about my prose.

    As for literary giants

    I'm sure as shit not one of those

    I am boring

    Yes, it shows.


    But does it really matter,

    if I am that's not my loss,

    if I'm really, really boring

    who really gives a toss.