







               VIRGINIA SLEEPS
















Virginia sleeps in her little bed

and dreams of Christmas fill her head,                

of videos, computer games,                 

of pantomimes with ugly dames

She dreams of Barbie and Ken, of course,

a pretty painted rocking horse

and all the wonderful toys.                 


She lies asleep, and in her dream,

she sees the pudding laced with cream,

She sees beneath the Christmas tree

the presents and she thinks; "For me.

All those wonderful toys."


She doesn't dream, beyond her street,

beyond the suburb small and neat,

of other girls and boys.

The ones to whom the Christ Child's birth,

brings no happiness, no mirth

The little waifs who daily strive,

to just keep warm and stay alive

amidst the city's noise.


She does not see in other lands

the empty bellies and outstretched hands

of starving girls and boys.

And when at last, down stairs she races,

she sees her parents smiling faces,

and all the wonderful toys.


You can not blame poor Ginny dear.

At six, the Christmas message clear,

is all those wonderful toys.

And she will have to wait a while

before she sees the others smile

at some of her cast off toys.