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 Leaving Agrigento was first publsihed on UKAuthors.com


    At the back of a book,crisp and clear as day

    you have written your name.

    I trace the letters with my fingers,

    with my tears.


    Did you believe that there would ever be a day

    when I would forget you,

    need the written word to remember,

    to think of you.


    I hold the book, press it to my heart.

    If I could bring you back I would

    and not care that happy ghosts do not return

    to hearts they broke.


    How can you rest and know the pain your leaving left?

    Was your life so meaningless

    even with me to treasure you and keep you brave and strong

    by just the power of love.


    Be my unhappy ghost, return to one who loved you.

    Come back to the last page

    and speak to me again of all we loved and lost

    do not leave me just a name.